Monday, February 28, 2011


Tiba-tiba rase rindu dekat Kak Ayu ngan Kak Anis :') haih,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Noorfarahanim bt Rahimi

Kak Longgg, Aishah rindu Kak Long. Banyak mende yang nak cerita ni. Mungkin kita akan jarang boleh jumpa. Masing2 busy. Takpe, Aishah faham. Nanti ada masa, inysAllah kita jumpa. Mesti jumpa.
Kak Long jgn lah sorok pape dari Aishah tauu. Pape, just cerita je dekat Aishah. I'm ready to hear. And and, Aishah rase dah tiba masa Aishah bagi tahu something dkat Kak Long.

Btw, Kak Long jgn lahh rase bersalah dah dgn ape yang dah jadi antara Aishah ngan 'adik Kak Long' tu. I'm okay now. Aishah bersyukur Kak Long kenalkan kitaorg :')
Bye-bye buntot Shin Chan :)

p/s: I love you..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



Monday, February 21, 2011


Dah tu, malu? Ha ha, saya pon boleh malu jugak :P


Tak mengaku awek? Bohh sedepek atas pale =,='

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Aku dah siap awal2 pagi dah tau tak! Dah ade semangat dah nak pegi. Tibe2 buat gini pulak.. =,='

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better - G.NA

Do you remember that day? The day that when we've met for first time. I still remember it. You, its me who used to care about no one but you. Deep inside my heart, I always think about you.
Do you want to end it between us? You've got new girl. You've got bored of me. The tears are keep falling.The love you've promised. Please take it with you. Take all of it away. Those words you've promised. You said you would care and wont leave me. I believed you. I believed your lies. I'll forget about it. Dont even bother to say sorry. Dont worry about me. I know you'll forget about me. I will end up hating you. I'll leave you alone, so have a great life. Thats all i can say.
Goodbye. Dont worry, its a good goodbye :')

Guane ni?

Haihh, berbelah bagi lah rase. Nak pegi ke tak eyhh ??

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Kesiannyaaa dkat hati saya ni..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Terima Kasih

Gembiranyaaa. Tak tahu mcm mane nak luahkan perasaan gembira ni. Terasa beban di kepala disebabkan jadual hari Isnin yang mcm tuttt, hilang sedikit. Boleh lah aku rileks sikit walaupun satu hari je. Tapi bermakna tauu!

Oh yesss! Esok cuti sekolah!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Make a move

For the first time, I have to admit I’ve met someone I can’t seem to forget. I didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone at first sight. God, how wrong was I. I remember we sat across from each other during lunch with Syaza, Marni, Kak Long, Aziff and Haidhar at Nusan Jaya and spent the whole time discreetly glancing at one another. I wanted to talk to you, but I was shy and so were you.

I was nothing but foolish that evening. I know when I like someone, it’s really obvious; I can’t help it. But this time you made me question myself. I wondered each time our eyes met if you felt the same way. The adorable way your eyes quickly looked to the side when I caught you staring at me.

I’m glad we both found out through our friends we had same feelings for each other. I’m glad you were in my life. I never stopped thinking about you. But now, you're ignoring me. Damn, I sound so pitiful.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sy rase awk mcm susahhh je nak ikut syarat2 sy tuu..

Hitam Hitamm!!

Hai, lamaaaa tak update blog kann. Rindu i? Ohh,terima kasih ;)*gedik
Mcm mane eyhh nak mulakan mukadimah nih. Takde ideaa lahh. Haihhh,
Dah masuk bulan 2 dahhh?! Ya Allah, cepatnya masa berlalu. Leka sungguh aku nih. Kadang2 sampai tak ingat tarikh.
Lepas raya cina, class tambahan petang2 pon dah start. Tambah lagi minggu depan ade bengkel kawad! Aduiii, hitam gua hitam gua! Hahaha, takpe, hitam2 pon comel gok kan AA? Ahahah eee tak malu.
Dah laa, malas nak cerita panjang2. Bukan best pon kalau aku cerita.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nagging - IU & Seulong.

Stop staying out so late! Try not to smoke so often!
A nagging that will make anyone laugh if they hear. This nagging is said from my heart, not just randomly. You never listen to me just like a 10 years old child. You dont know how its feel for me to say those things. From one to ten, they're all words to make you better, for your own good. But since dont listen to me, its only sound like a nag to you. I cant help but keep nagging even if you hate it. Or should I stop?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

4.25 ptg.

Awak, terkejut sy tadi wakk.. Terus jadi tak tentu hala. Tapi saya kawal. Lepas tu terus sy msj Marni..

haih.. :'(

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have sooo many problems and I'm in the bad mood, I mean REALLY BAD!

p/s: Sorry for the improper picture.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Eh ehh Aishah, kau dah ade background baru ah. Tapi apesal mcm nmpk gedik sgt haa? Aduiii, takpe ahh. Cantik ape kan?? Erkk -,- Hahaha alahh belasah je lahh. Asalkan nampak lah sikit perubahan. Eh bukan sikit, tp banyakkk. Semua mende aku tukar. Hee, nnt kalau aku dah bosan aku tukar yang lain pulakk. And and aku dah letak background music. Fav song tu okay :)